How To Do VW Discover Media Firmware Update 2022?

If you have VW car at home and don’t know how to do VW Discover Media Firmware Update 2022 we got your back. In this post we’ll look into the installation process for firmware update

Any newly available software upgrade, like a computer or smartphone, will be announced through an in-vehicle notification on your infotainment screen. When a software upgrade is available, Car-Net subscribers will receive an in-app notification.

How To Do VW Discover Media Firmware Update 2022?

VW Discover Media Firmware Update 2022

Fortunately, updating the software in your VW’s infotainment system is simple, but it may take some time to download depending on the size and scope of the update. All you need to do is follow these steps:

If you follow these steps, you should be able to install the VW infotainment system software upgrade without any problems. If you can’t understand the process to do VW Discover Media Firmware Update 2022. You can also go to your local Volkswagen dealership and have an in-person software update performed for you.

1. For New VW Cars

VW Discover Media Firmware Update 2022

  1. You must start the download by tapping “Download” when prompted. You can drive safely while the download is taking place in the background. Turning off the ignition will automatically pause the download, but it will resume the next time you start your vehicle.
  2. Once the software download is complete, your vehicle is ready to begin installation. When you turn off your vehicle, your infotainment screen will prompt you to tap “Start” to begin installation. You can then leave and lock your vehicle once the installation has begun. The length of the installation depends on the size of the update. The average installation will last about 15 minutes.
  3. And You are done the media system will automatically restart as you restart your car and voila software is updated

2. For The Older VW Cars

VW Discover Media Firmware Update 2022

It is almost same for the new cars but have few setbacks while installations.

  1. On your Volkswagen’s multimedia display screen, press the “Update available” notification.
  2. Tap the “Download” button when prompted. It may request confirmation, in which case you must tap “Yes.”
  3. The infotainment system software update will download in the background while your car is running—turning off the car will cause the download to pause, so it may take a few trips before the download is complete.
  4.  When the download is complete, turn off your vehicle. The infotainment screen will then prompt you to begin the update installation; tap “Start” to get started.
  5. Wait for the installation to complete—most updates take less than 15 minutes.

3. Updating Maps On Your VW Car

VW Discover Media Firmware Update 2022

Thousands of miles of new roads are added or updated on your mapping software every year. As result, your navigation system may not have the most up-to-date data, making an update critical to the performance of your system.
  1. On your Volkswagen’s multimedia display screen, press the “Update available” notification.
  2. Tap the “Download” button when prompted.  It may request confirmation, in which case you must tap “Yes.”
  3. The infotainment system software update will download in the background while your car is running—turning off the car will cause the download to pause, so it may take few trips before the download is complete.
  4. When the download is complete, turn off your vehicle. The infotainment screen will then prompt you to begin the update installation; tap “Start” to get started. Wait for the installation to complete—most updates take about 15 minutes.


Q. Should I Drive While Software Is Updating

A. Please do not drive the vehicle while it is being installed because VW Car-Net services and emergency response systems will be disabled.
When the software download is finished, your vehicle is ready for installation. When you turn off your vehicle, your infotainment screen will prompt you to tap “Start” to begin installation. You can then leave and lock your vehicle once the installation has begun. The length of the installation depends on the size of the update. The average installation will last about 15 minutes.

Q. What are The Conditions For Ota Updates

A. For the update to work, your vehicle must meet certain requirements. The green light on the 3-button module in your overhead console must be illuminated, and your vehicle must be in an area with adequate network connectivity. If your software update cannot be completed over the internet, or you cant understand how to do VW Discover Media Firmware Update 2022 please visit your local Volkswagen Dealer, who will update the software for you in person.


The OTA updates differs from vehicle to vehicle and may or may not be released for certain make and model and in this post on VW Discover Media Firmware Update 2022, we hope you all have understand on how to update the firmware and map updates on your car


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